Feb 25, 25
Newborn Sleep Schedule; Everything You Should Know

Newborn sleep schedule is a crucial aspect of early parenthood. As newborns spend most of their time sleeping, establishing a consistent sleep schedule can greatly benefit both parents and babies alike. In this blog post, we'll discuss everything you need to know about newborn sleep schedules and how to set up a routine that works for you and your baby. From the basics of sleep cycles to common challenges that parents face, we've got you covered. So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of newborn sleep schedules.
How Much Sleep Do Newborns Need?
Newborn sleep schedule can seem erratic and unpredictable, but it's important to remember that sleep is a vital part of a newborn's development. On average, newborns need around 16-17 hours of sleep per day, with the majority of that time being spent in short naps that can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours.
Newborns aren't born with a set sleep-wake cycle, which is why establishing a consistent newborn sleep schedule can be a challenge. However, sleep is crucial for their growth and development, as it helps with brain development, immune system function, and hormone regulation.
It's important to note that every baby is different, and some may need more or less sleep than others. As a parent, it's essential to monitor your baby's sleep patterns and adjust their newborn sleep schedule as needed. Creating a calming sleep environment and developing a consistent bedtime routine are great ways to help your newborn establish a healthy sleep pattern.
Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns
Newborn sleep schedule can be unpredictable and frustrating for parents, but understanding the typical sleep patterns of newborns can help alleviate some of the stress. Newborns spend the majority of their sleep time in two different stages of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (non-REM).
REM sleep is typically associated with vivid dreams, and in newborns, it's characterized by active brain waves, rapid eye movement, and muscle twitches. Non-REM sleep is when the body is in a deep state of rest, and the brain activity is slower.
Newborns spend more time in REM sleep than adults do, which is why they often wake up frequently during the night. They usually fall asleep right after feeding and waking up every 2-3 hours for another feeding. While some newborns may sleep for longer periods, it's crucial to monitor their sleep patterns and adjust their newborn sleep schedule accordingly.
Understanding the difference between REM and non-REM sleep can help parents create a calming and comfortable environment to help their baby fall asleep easier. Additionally, developing a consistent routine around sleep times can help signal to the baby that it's time to sleep, which can aid in the development of a healthy newborn sleep schedule.
Newborn Sleep Schedule
Creating a consistent newborn sleep schedule can be challenging, but it's essential for a baby's growth and development. Developing a routine that works for you and your child can help establish healthy sleep patterns and make the process less stressful.
The first step in creating a newborn sleep schedule is to identify your baby's "awake time" - the length of time they stay awake and alert before needing to sleep again. On average, newborns can stay awake for up to an hour before needing to rest.
Once you've identified the awake time, it's time to create a consistent routine. This could include a calming bath, singing a lullaby, or reading a story. Creating some quiet and soothing activities before sleep time can help signal to the baby that it's time for bed.
It's important to remember that consistency is key when establishing a newborn sleep schedule. Be patient and persistent and avoid deviating from the routine, even during weekends or vacations.
Here's an example chart for a newborn sleep schedule:
Time | Activity |
7:00 AM | Wake up and feeding |
8:00 AM | Nap 1 |
10:00 AM | Wake up and feeding |
11:00 AM | Nap 2 |
1:00 PM | Wake up and feeding |
2:00 PM | Nap 3 |
4:00 PM | Wake up and feeding |
5:00 PM | Nap 4 |
6:30 PM | Bedtime routine (Bath, lullaby, story) |
7:00 PM | Bedtime |
10:00 PM | Feeding |
1:00 AM | Feeding |
4:00 AM | Feeding |
Creating a newborn sleep schedule can take some trial and error, but the benefits of a consistent routine are worth the effort. It can help improve your baby's sleep quality, leading to better health and development for your little one.
Tips for Helping Your Newborn Sleep
Establishing a healthy newborn sleep schedule can be a challenge, but there are many ways to help your baby sleep better. Here are some tips:
Create a sleep-conducive environment
Your baby's sleep environment can have a big impact on their ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Create a comfortable and calming environment by keeping the room dark, using white noise or calming sounds, and setting the temperature to a comfortable level. -
Develop a consistent bedtime routine
A consistent bedtime routine helps signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. Try to include calming activities like giving your baby a warm bath, reading a bedtime story, and dimming the lights to help create a relaxing atmosphere. -
Stick to a consistent schedule
A consistent newborn sleep schedule can help regulate their body's internal clock, leading to better sleep. Stick to a consistent schedule, even on weekends or during vacations. -
Limit stimulation before bedtime
In the hour leading up to bedtime, try to avoid activities that could overstimulate your baby, such as playing with noisy toys or watching TV. Instead, try calming activities like listening to soft music or singing a lullaby. -
Dress your baby for sleep
Dressing your newborn baby properly for sleep is essential to ensure that they are comfortable and safe throughout the night. Remember that newborns cannot regulate their temperature as well as adults can, and they can easily overheat. Dress them in breathable, lightweight clothing, and use a light blanket if necessary. Avoid using blankets that are too heavy or thick, which can make the baby uncomfortable or block their airway. Additionally, it's important to dress your baby appropriately for room temperature. If the room is particularly warm, dress them in lighter clothing to avoid overheating. Proper dressing is an important aspect of establishing a healthy newborn sleep schedule.If you’re looking for recommendations, the Teddy Bear Onesie from Lola and the Boys is an ideal sleepwear option for newborns. The soft and breathable material will keep them comfortable and cozy throughout the night. The onesie is made from a gentle fabric that is easy on the baby's delicate skin while also keeping them warm. It's also machine washable, making it easy to clean and maintain. Lola and the Boys offer a variety of options for kids and adults, including shoes and other clothing for both casual and special occasions. Check out our reviews page to see what customers are saying about our products!
Delay feeding in the morning
Once your baby is a few weeks old, try delaying their first feeding until the early morning. This can help establish a consistent sleep schedule and prevent them from waking up too early.Establishing a healthy newborn sleep schedule can take time and patience, but by creating a sleep-conducive environment, developing a consistent routine, and sticking to a schedule, you can increase the chances of better sleep for your baby.
Common Newborn Sleep Issues
Despite parents' best efforts, newborn sleep schedules can be irregular and unpredictable, and babies may face several sleep issues. Here are some of the most common issues and tips for addressing them:
Frequent wakings
Newborns have small stomachs, which means they need to eat every few hours during the night. However, if your baby is waking up more frequently than usual, it could be a sign of hunger, discomfort, or illness. Try feeding your baby more frequently during the day to ensure they're getting enough to eat. If your baby still wakes up frequently, try a more consistent bedtime and nap routine. -
Difficulty falling asleep
If your baby seems to have problems falling asleep, it could be due to a lack of sleep signals. Try to create consistent and calming activities before bedtime, such as reading a story, playing some soft music, or giving a warm bath. The routine helps signal to your baby that it's time for sleep. -
Reflux or colic
Reflux and colic can cause sleep disruptions and discomfort for newborns. To help alleviate these issues, try feeding your baby in an upright position and keeping them upright for 10-15 minutes after feeding. Also, avoid overfeeding your baby or feeding them too close to their bedtime. -
Nighttime waking
Nighttime wakings can be caused by a variety of factors, including hunger, discomfort, or a dirty diaper. Try to create a calming environment and engage in low-stimulus activities when you soothe them back to sleep but avoid picking up or stimulating them too much. -
Day and night confusion
Newborns’ sleep schedule varies widely, but if they are awake during the day and sleep more at night, it can be an issue for parents. Try to create a structured and routine sleep schedule to help establish the difference between day and night better.Establishing a healthy newborn sleep schedule takes patience and persistence, but with a few adjustments, the common newborn sleep issues can be addressed, and babies can develop healthy sleep patterns.
Final Thoughts and Recommendations
A consistent newborn sleep schedule is essential not only for the baby's development but also for the parent's well-being. Understanding your baby's sleep patterns, establishing a calming bedtime routine, and creating a sleep-friendly environment can help your baby sleep better and longer.
By prioritizing your baby's sleep and taking steps to establish a newborn sleep schedule that works for you and your child, you'll help set up a foundation for good sleep habits that will benefit both you and your baby in the years to come.
Remember, every baby is different, and what works for one family may not work for another. Don't be afraid to experiment with different routines and techniques until you find the one that works best for you and your baby.
The key is to be patient, persistent, and, most importantly, to prioritize your baby's sleep. By doing so, you're setting your baby up for a happy, healthy life with healthy sleep.