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April 03, 2023

Baby Bedtime by Age: A Complete Guide for Parents

Finding the right bedtime for your baby can be a daunting task. With so many factors to consider, such as age and developmental stage, it’s no wonder parents struggle to get the routine just right.

In this article, we'll provide a complete guide to the recommended baby bedtime by age and share some tips on how to find a sleep schedule that works best for you and your little one. Whether you're expecting or already have an infant or toddler in the house, we'll help you establish healthy sleep habits that will work long-term. So buckle up for a good night's sleep!

Understanding Baby Sleep Patterns

It's important to understand your baby’s individual sleep patterns before setting a bedtime routine. Each child is different, but all babies and toddlers can benefit from a consistent schedule.

  • Newborns and Infants (0-3 Months)

    During the first few months of life, newborns will typically sleep between 12 and 17 hours per day. During this time, you'll want to focus on developing healthy sleep habits that last. Establishing an appropriate bedtime early on is key for ensuring your baby gets enough rest. Try to keep the same routine each night so your baby begins to recognize when it's time for sleep.

  • Babies (4-11 Months)

    As babies get older and are more aware of their environment, they may become more resistant to bedtimes. At this stage, it’s best to stick with a predictable routine that includes plenty of playtime during the day and quiet time before bed. A good rule of thumb is to put your baby in their crib when they show signs of tiredness – rubbing eyes, fussing, or other cues that tell you they need some rest. Recommended sleep for this age is 12 to 16 hours of sleep daily.

  • Toddlers (12-24 Months)

    At this age, children are likely to transition out of naps as they become more active during the day. Bedtime should be based on when your toddler tends to get tired naturally; most children at this age will need 11-14 hours of sleep each day. Make sure the bedroom is comfortable and dark so that your toddler falls asleep easily and stays asleep throughout the night.

Baby Bedtime Routine by Age

Establishing an appropriate bedtime routine is a crucial part of ensuring your baby gets enough rest. Depending on their age, your baby may need different amounts of sleep and require a different approach to bedtime — but with the right guidance, you’ll be able to create a plan that works for you and your little one.

In this section, we'll look at the ideal baby bedtime by age, including newborns and infants (0-3 months), babies (4-11 months), and toddlers (12-24 months). Read on to learn more about the best sleep strategies for each stage of development!

Bedtime Chart

Age Bedtime Wake Up Time Daily Nap Time Number of Naps Tips for Better Sleep
Newborn No set bedtime Varies Varies 6-8 naps Prioritize safe sleep practices
1-4 months 7-9 PM 6-8 AM 3-5 hours total 3-5 naps Establish a consistent bedtime routine
4-8 months 6-8 PM 6-8 AM 2-3 hours total 2-3 naps Be prepared for sleep regressions
8-10 months 6-8 PM 6-8 AM 2-3 hours total 2 naps Begin to transition to a consistent routine
10-12 months 6-8 PM 6-8 AM 2-3 hours total 1-2 naps Gradual extinction or other sleep training
1-2 years 6-8 PM 6-8 AM 1-3 hours total 1-2 naps Help your toddler feel safe and secure

Tips for Helping Your Baby Fall Asleep

One of the most challenging tasks parents face is teaching their baby how to sleep well. Unfortunately, newborns and infants don’t come with a manual on how to achieve this — but with the right strategies, you can help your little one establish healthy sleep habits that will last! Here are some tips on helping your baby fall asleep.

  1. Swaddling and Other Sleep Aids

    Swaddling can be an effective way to soothe a fussy baby as it helps them feel secure and comfortable. You can also use white noise, nightlights, or even bedroom temperature control to create a calming atmosphere for your infant. Whatever sleep aid you choose, make sure to follow the safety guidelines and never put soft items such as pillows in your baby’s crib.

  2. Nighttime Feeding and Diapering

    Newborns usually require nighttime feedings every few hours. If possible, try to stick to a regular routine that coincides with bedtime — for instance, offering a bottle immediately before your baby goes down for the night or having them nurse right before you put them in the crib. This helps signal that it's time for sleep! Additionally, make sure you have enough clean diapers available so that you don't have to wake them up during frequent changes.

  3. Sleep Training Techniques

    Sleep training can help your child fall asleep independently without relying on rocking or feeding as a coping mechanism. There are various methods out there that may work better depending on the age and development level of your baby. Some tips include using gradual extinction (which involves gradually reducing contact time until they’re sleeping through the night), creating a soothing environment by dimming lights and playing soothing music at bedtime, or establishing an earlier bedtime if they are overtired from missed daytime naps. Whichever technique you use, consistency is key!

Common Baby Sleep Problems and Solutions

Having a baby often comes with its fair share of sleepless nights, but luckily, there are plenty of solutions to common baby sleep problems. This article will cover some of the most common issues you might experience, from sleep regression to teething pain and separation anxiety. Read on for a helping hand when it comes to getting your little one to drift off peacefully!

  • Sleep Regression and How to Cope

    Sleep regression is a period where babies can suddenly have trouble sleeping through the night, usually due to developmental milestones such as learning how to crawl or walk. Though this phase can be difficult for parents when their baby suddenly refuses to go down for the night, there are ways to get through it! It's important to remain consistent in your bedtime routine (e.g., bathtime, reading stories) and create a soothing environment conducive to sleeping. Additionally, avoid naps too close to bedtime if possible as this can make it more difficult for them to fall asleep at night.

  • Teething and Sleep Disruptions

    Teething is another common cause of disrupted sleep in babies. During this time, they may experience sore gums or drooling, which can interfere with their ability to settle down come bedtime. To ease discomfort during this phase, try giving your child something cool, like a teething toy or cold washcloth that they can chew on. This should help reduce the pain associated with cutting teeth.

  • Separation Anxiety and Nighttime Wake-Ups

    Separation anxiety is yet another factor that could lead to nighttime awakening in babies, especially after six months old when they become more aware of their surroundings. To help them feel secure and prevent wake-ups due to fear of being alone, create rituals such as sleepy time cuddles before putting them down in their cribs or saying brief goodnight phrases when heading out of the room after settling them into bed

Baby Bedtime Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Parents often find it challenging to get their little ones to bed at the right time, so it's important to be aware of how much sleep babies need at each age. We’ll share with you what to expect during various stages of your child’s development and provide tips on ensuring your baby is getting enough rest. Read on for answers to common FAQs about baby bedtime!

  • How Much Sleep Do Babies Need?

    The amount of sleep babies need varies depending on their age. Newborns usually require up to 17 hours per day, while infants in the 1-12 month range typically need 12-16 hours. Once they reach toddlerhood (1-3 years) they should get between 11-14 hours at night and take one nap during the day, lasting anywhere from one to three hours.

  • What Should I Do If My Baby Wakes Up Too Early?

    If your baby wakes up too early, try shifting your everyday routine or incorporating activities that can help reduce their energy levels before bedtime. For instance, going for a walk outdoors or playing calming music in the evening. Additionally, making sure these nighttime wakings aren't due to hunger or wet diapers can also make all the difference when trying to put them back down again!

  • Is It Normal for Babies to Sleep With a Blanket or Stuffed Animal?

    It's perfectly normal for babies and toddlers alike to have a stuffed animal or blanket as companions in their cribs. This helps them feel secure and comfortable as they drift off into dreamland. Just make sure whatever items are in there are safe and not hazardous (i.e., no sharp edges). And don't forget: if your child has formed an attachment towards something like this, it is best not to take it away unless absolutely necessary!

Shopping for Comfort and Style: The Best Kids' Clothing at Lola and the Boys

Parents want to make sure their little ones are ready for sweet dreams every night, so why not dress them up in clothing that's both comfortable and stylish? At Lola and the Boys, we have an amazing selection of trendy clothes for babies and children; from organic cotton bodysuits to fun pajamas, you'll find everything you need to keep your kids looking cool while feeling snug.

With top-notch quality and unbeatable prices, shopping at Lola and the Boys is a great way to help ensure your baby's bedtime routine isn't compromised by uncomfortable or outdated clothing. Plus, don't forget to check out our review page to see what other parents have said about our products and discover how our clothes can keep your little one comfy and stylish.

To sum up, getting your baby on a consistent bedtime schedule can be tricky but the rewards are worth it. By understanding what to expect at each stage of your baby's development and implementing the helpful tips mentioned in this article, you'll be well-equipped to ensure your little one is getting the sleep they need. Remember: when it comes to baby bedtime by age, consistency is key!